OFFICIAL21.10.2022 13:41

"International Scientific Forum of Science and Innovations" was held as part of "" International Week of Innovative Ideas


"International Scientific Forum of Science and Innovations" was held as part of "" International Week of Innovative Ideas

The "International Scientific Forum of Science and Innovations" was held on October 20 as part of the "InnoWeek.Uz-2022" week of innovative ideas held by the Ministry of Innovative Development.The event was opened by the Minister of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ibrahim Abdurahmanov, and in his opening speech, he said that the results of scientific and practical research and know-how developments are currently widely introduced in the processes of production modernization, technical and technological renewal, scientific institutions and enterprises of real economy sectors in this direction. He emphasized that the establishment of close cooperation between Also, he touched upon the practical processes of science, research and development in the country's innovative development, discussions on stimulating innovations, strengthening of cooperation. As a result of the reforms carried out in recent years, great progress has been made in the republic in terms of ensuring and stimulating innovative and technological development in economic sectors and the social sphere, including agriculture, energy, construction, education, and health care. In particular, in the ranking of the Global Innovation Index, which is evaluated by more than 80 indicators, our republic has risen by 40 places compared to 2015 and by 4 places compared to the previous year, taking 82nd place in 2022. Also, in the last 5 years, the state budget has been allocated to the fields of science and innovation. the volume of allocated annual funds increased 3 times and reached 1.5 trillion soums; while there were 6.5 thousand young scientists, by 2022 their number was 10.8 thousand, that is, it increased by 1.5 times; the number of special institutions, innovative funds and venture organizations for financing innovative activities was increased to 28. During the forum, discussions were held on the practical processes of science, research and development for the country's innovative development and the promotion of innovations. Alexander Scherer, advisor of the Swiss Embassy in Uzbekistan , President of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Professor Chan Tony Fan Cheong, academic secretary of the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, i.f.d. Shumilin Alexander Gennadyevich, rector of the International Westminister University in Tashkent Mirkasimov Bakhrom Ravshanovich, rector of the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan Sherzodkhan Kudrathojalar took part.

Within the framework of the forum, the issue of studying the international experience of organizing and supporting innovative activities in the context of modern globalization, digital economy and the experience of developed countries in building a new Uzbekistan was discussed.